Home Insurance Rates

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Home Insurance

With more and more home insurance rates increasing dramatically, homeowners are wondering if the costs are even worth the coverage. The fact is that you should always keep homeowners insurance. Your home is likely your largest investment. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure it stays insured. You would never drive around in your car without insurance, so don’t live in your home without insurance. Tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes are things that are rarely predicted with much warning, so home insurance is vital. To get better home insurance rates, consider these tips.

Home Insurance Rates

Anytime you do things that will protect your home more, your home insurance rates will likely decrease. You don’t have to do anything drastic to get the decrease, but you do need to prove to your insurance company that your improvements are helping to protect your home better. One thing many people choose to do is install a home alarm system. Most home insurance companies will lower your rates if you have a working home alarm system. You can get one installed professionally, or visit your local home safety store for a do-it-yourself kit.

Another thing you can do is update your home’s structural components. For instance, if you live in a hurricane zone, you may want to consider adding a hurricane roof to your home. These safety roofs are designed to hold up much better during natural disasters. Your home insurance rates may decrease after adding something like this to your home.

If you are thinking of improving your home in order to get lower home insurance rates, you might want to contact your insurance company before you make any changes. Find out what improvements will allow your rate to decrease and focus on those changes. Your insurance company will be happy to work with you on planning the most appropriate changes. After all, they want to see your home stay in shape as much as you want to have Home Insurance.

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Where To Find The Cheapest Car Insurance

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Auto Insurance

The best way possible of finding the cheapest car insurance is to contact a specialist broker who will be able to search the insurance market to make sure that you get the correct insurance for your needs at the lowest price possible.

The cost of your Cheapest car insurance will depend on several factors and it is wise to do a little research beforehand into these.

You will get the cheapest car insurance that is possibly available to you if you follow a few simple rules such as, if you are the sole owner and driver of the vehicle, and, if your vehicle has got enhanced security features such as a fitted car alarm, immobiliser or a tracker device fitted as these features would make your vehicle safer when left unattended and therefore far less likely to be stolen.

Cheapest Car
The value of your car will also play a part in the cost of your car insurance, so think about what car you are trying to get insurance for. There is no reason for a person who will do most if not all of the driving alone to drive a large family car as this will make your insurance more expensive. Driving a smaller car which will normally have a smaller engine which will not only save you money in running costs but will enable you to get the cheapest car insurance possible.

The type of insurance that you want / need will be a factor in the cost of your insurance; your choices are fully comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party only, there is not much point in getting fully comprehensive cover if your premium works out at more than the value of the car. A specialist broker will be able to advise you on what is the correct and cheapest car insurance for you.

How To Get Cheap Automobile Insurance Online In Alabama

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Auto Insurance

Everyone who drives a motorized vehicle on a public roadway in Alabama must buy automobile insurance. It’s the law, and failure to purchase automobile insurance can result in your vehicle’s registration being revoked, your driver’s license being suspended, and fines and penalties that can easily add up to several hundreds of dollars.

Rather than risk all of this, wouldn’t it be better to simply get some cheap automobile insurance online and avoid all of the hassles?

The question, of course, is how do you find the best and the cheapest price for automobile insurance online here in Alabama? The answer is to first put together an automobile insurance policy designed to save money – and only then get online and find out how much you can save by shopping around.

If you are thinking of purchasing a car you should be aware that some cars cost a lot more to insure than others. Before you get your heart set on a make and model that you really can’t afford to insure, talk to your agent and get a list of the least-costly automobiles to insure.
Keep your driving record clean. Your driving record determines whether or not you can even get cheap automobile insurance in Alabama. Any moving violation, such as a speeding ticket, will increase how much you pay for insurance.

If you have a DUI or a DWI conviction on your driving record then there is no way for you to get the cheapest rates on automobile insurance for a minimum of 3 years – possibly longer.

Is there a garage where you can keep your car at night? If so, let your agent know as this will save you money month after month.

Ask your agent if buying some simple anti-theft devices, such as a steering wheel lock or an electronic device which shuts off your fuel pump can save you money on your premium each month.

If you modify your car in any way, particularly so as to make it faster, you will probably pay more for your insurance.

Can you drive less? If you can use public transportation for the majority of your “driving” and you can keep your mileage down to 500 miles per month or less you should be able to qualify for a Low Mileage Discount.

If you carpool at work let your agent know as this can save you money on your insurance. Likewise if you stop working and you are no longer driving back and forth to work every day this, too, can save you money every month on your premium.

How much of a deductible can you afford? Don’t promise to pay more than you really and truly can afford, but the higher your deductible the lower your monthly premium payment will be.

O.K. Now it’s time to take the tips you have learned in this article and go online. Find 3 different websites that allow you to make head-to-head comparisons of insurance policies and their prices from different insurance companies.

Now, using what you’ve learned, enter the exact same information into the form on at least 3 different websites and keep track of your results. Simply choose the lowest price for the policy you have created and you’re done. It’s that simple.

That’s all you need to do to get cheap automobile insurance online in Alabama.

Also Read:
Cheap Affordable Cars Insurance.

Cheap Auto Insurance Online For Your Teen

January 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Auto Insurance

Cheap Auto Insurance

So, you have a teen that is at the driving age. Choosing the right auto, the right insurance and the factors that determine price, is the purpose of this article.

Choosing the right auto is very important to getting cheap insurance. That flashy, red, convertible sports car really looks great, but the insurance for it with a teen driver?… ouch!! Find out what your teen can live with other than this and do your insurance shopping with that model in mind.

Some of the factors that enter into price for Cheap Auto Insurance is


1. Where do you live? In the city, a suburban area or in a rural setting? The rural area will be the lowest rate with the city being greater.

2. How many miles per year will the vehicle be driven and how many miles to work, school or college.

3. The model and age of the vehicle and it’s safety record. Sometimes an anti-theft device will lower the rate.

4. The deductable amount and the coverage amount, these vary according to area and what the laws are in your state. The more out of pocket you can afford on the deductable the lower your rate will be.

5. Your teens grades at school is also a determining factor. The higher the grades the lower the rate. Makes sense right?

6. Did your teen take drivers ed? Also a factor.

Make sure that your teen knows the importance of a safe driving record, no tickets, no accidents. Over time, a teen with a safe driving record will have their insurance rates reduced. Instill a sense of responsibility in your teen for their freedom to drive.

Some insurance companies offer a policy for just the teen driver. This way they aren’t added to the families policy. This can be a lower rate. There may be some restrictions, such as no driving after dark or others.

Use your favorite search engines to find insurance companies that have the lowest rates for these factors. By shopping online you have a lot of companies to choose from, and it is quicker than the yellow pages.

Keep all of these things in mind when shopping. Insurance rates vary widely, so take your time when doing your research. Another way to search for a good insurance company is to ask around at garages and body shops. Those guys deal with insurance companies every day.

I hope that these factors will help you in finding that company that will give you a good policy at the lowest possible price.

Cheapest Home Insurance

January 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Home Insurance

Cheapest Home Insurance is a basic term for two different types of insurance policy. Buildings insurance to cover the construction of your property and home contents insurance to protect your valuables and other household objects.

Cheapest Home Insurance
The problem is that not all Cheapest Home Insurance policies are created equal making it difficult to compare like with like. The areas and level of cover provided vary from policy to policy along with the premiums. So having a definite idea of what you need to insure and for how much will help minimize the overall time and money spent buying it.

TIP 1: Cut the risk, cut the cost and get Cheapest Home Insurance

All insurance policies protect against the risk of financial loss. So to cut the cost, cut the risk to the insurer and you’ll get a lower premium. To give you an idea, here’s a quick summary of the most effective tactics…

• Contact your Cheapest Home Insurance company or local neighborhood watch scheme and they will send you a list of steps to make your house more secure and less likely to be targeted by thieves.

• Fit locks to all windows and level 5 (BS3621) mortise deadlocks locks to the doors. Most insurance companies will give you up to 10% off your home contents insurance if you have these kind of locks fitted around your house.

• Having a good alarm fitted by a recognized alarm fitter, which your insurance company can recommend, can give you up to 10% off your policy. Bear in mind that these are expensive alarms which require an annual check up.

• Higher policy excess. You will usually have to pay the first £50 of any insurance claim, but if you’re willing to pay more then, your premium will fall now.

• Neighborhood watch schemes. Some home insurers offer discounts if you live in a neighborhood watch area; however this is less common, this is the Cheapest Home Insurance

• No claims bonus. As with your car insurance; a record of no previous claims will reduce your premium. If you need to make a claim, consider whether it may be cheaper to pay for the loss yourself and avoid an increase in premiums.

• Your age. Statistically, the older you are, the less likely you are to make a house insurance claim. So if you’re a lower risk this will be reflected in your premiums. Some companies offer extra benefits to those over 50 such as Saga.

• Extra security. Declare any special safety precautions you’ve made for your valuables such as a home safe.

• Your lifestyle. If you have a dog, are teetotal and don’t smoke, be sure to declare this as such factors are used by some insurers to reduce premiums.

• Occasionally applying to your existing insurer as a new customer can reduce your premiums. Many insurers offer discounts to new customers which won’t be repeated when you come to renew.

• To get Cheapest Home Insurance try to apply online you will normally get a discount of around 5%.

Before you carry out any security improvements to your home, always check with your Cheapest Home Insurance company first. They will confirm which improvements will have the biggest cost cutting impact.

TIP 2: Know what Cheapest Home Insurance you need this is the first step to get Cheapest Home Insurance

Working out an accurate figure for the buildings and contents insurance value can be awkward, which is why a lot of homeowners are either under insured or paying for levels of cover they don’t really need.

Buildings insurance covers the re-build cost of your property not its market value. The re-build value of your home is the cost of re-building it in the event that it is destroyed by fire or subsidence for example. The re-build value of your home can usually be found on your mortgage agreement, or property deeds. The Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) produces a range of detailed information on the cost of rebuilding houses and flats together with a re-building cost calculator.

Alternatively, you can opt for a policy that has an unlimited or high standard buildings sum insured so you don’t have to worry about insuring the right amount.

Then there is the home contents insurance which covers almost everything else you would take with you if you moved house. Make a list of the rooms in your house and write down all the items contained in each with there value. Then, total the individual amounts to see what contents insurance protection you need. Remember to value items such as music CD’s, videos and clothing as their total cost is often missed or under insured. Whether your wardrobe is full of jeans or designer labels, make sure you include the cost of replacing them.

TIP 3: Look at separate buildings & contents insurance

If you need both buildings and contents insurance, get quotes for separate policies for maximum potential savings. Most insurers do provide them as separate policies and just because one is cheap for buildings cover doesn’t mean they are equally competitive to insure the contents. Find the cheapest providers for each component and consider buying each from different insurers.

TIP 4: Shop around for Cheapest Home Insurance

Shopping around will yield the biggest savings on Cheapest Home Insurance.

Firstly, don’t simply opt for the Cheapest Home Insurance supplied by your mortgage lender. They can be convenient when your busy sorting your mortgage but they’re often over priced and chances are they won’t have been compared against other policies on the market.

When shopping for insurance you basically have three options; go direct to the insurer, browse the web or use a broker. If you have the time and commitment you can do all three, but the fastest and most effective route is to log on and use the reach of the internet.

The best insurance websites compare dozens of brokers and Cheapest Home Insurance companies in minutes. You only have to fill in one form to get a list of premiums displayed on your screen from major insurers and brokers. However, if you have unusual or very specific requirements the final premium may increase when confirmed direct with your chosen insurer.

TIP 5: Ask for a bargain

Cheapest Home Insurance has a margin of profit built into it which can be negotiated down if you’re armed with the right information. Not all insurers will buckle and concede an additional discount but if you don’t ask you won’t know.

• First, find the cheapest quote after using internet comparison sites and phoning a few brokers.

• Select the cheapest quote and contact your existing insurer first asking them to beat it. If they won’t budge contact the second cheapest insurer and do the same.

• If after your best efforts, the insurer won’t budge, ask them to throw in some extra cover to sweeten the deal or move on to the next Cheapest Home Insurance company and repeat the same steps.

So can you get now Cheapest Home Insurance.


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