Health Insurance

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Health Insurance

Looking for low cost health insurance quotes? Good. You are taking that most important step of shopping around for the best price. But more importantly, you understand that it is important to have health insurance, and perhaps, even more importantly, understand that the real purpose of health insurance, as for any insurance, is protection. That is, you do not get health insurance to act as a sort of discount off the price of doctor and hospital services. The point of insurance is protection in the event of catastrophe. Yes, health insurance costs are high and continue to rise, but do not forget that the reason you are seeking health insurance quotes online–and even offline–is to insure you get the most protection (not discount) for the best (lowest) rate.

Health Insurance

Getting health insurance quotes is now extremely easy with the use of the Internet. Take advantage of online insurance quote availability to get an idea of the range of premium prices offered. Even if you don’t want to buy online, you will have a better understanding of what the insurance agent is talking about, and when it comes time to put ink on the contract, you will be making a more informed decision. Remember, too, that quotes are free and come without obligation.

When you look for cheap health insurance quotes, online or off, you must also consider type of health care you want and what that means in terms of how your care is delivered to you. Health insurance is a much more than a matter of co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. When you get a health insurance quote, you are getting a quote on a certain kind of plan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a single “best” plan. You will find that there are some plans that will serve your needs better as an individual, and plans that will be better for both you and your family’s needs. Plans will vary according to what services they offer, and you will probably have to make some hard choices as to what services are most important. No plan will pay everything; there will always be out-of-pocket costs associated with your medical services, though some plans will pay more for the services you deem most important. So, health insurance quotes are really the tip of the iceberg to a very important subject.

Cheap Health Insurance Quotes and the HMO, PPO, FFS/indemnity plan, and POS.
HMO–An HMO is a health maintenance organization. An HMO contracts with doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers to form a sort of network. As a member of an HMO, you are required to use the providers in that network. You pay the HMO a certain amount of money per their payment arrangements in order to receive medical services.

PPO–A PPO is a preferred provider organization. A PPO is similar to an HMO in that there is a network of medical providers that you can use. However, the PPO does not require you to use that network and allows you see doctors and go to hospitals out of network. Normally, you do not need a referral to see doctors out of network. However, in that event, you do pay more for the service. That is, the amount of coverage is less.
POS–A POS is a point of service plan. A point of service plan is very much like an HMO except that POS doctors can refer you out of the network of providers to see a specialist. In a POS, you would not refer yourself, and if the plan does refer you out of the network, you do pay more for the service.
FFS–A FFS or indemnity plan, is a fee for service plan. In a fee for service, you are billed by the service. You are usually not required to use a network of providers. That means you choose which doctors, hospitals, and specialists you want to see and use. Because you make the decision about who you see and where you go, there is no need for a referral to see a doctor. The only limiting factor is whether or not the provider accepts the insurance of the fee for service plan insurance.
Low Cost health insurance quotes have a lot going on behind the scenes. Seeking an online quote? Now you have a better idea of what that quote is for. When you visit an insurance agent to talk health care, be sure to look thoroughly into the options available to you. Your health insurance quote represents a package of insurance services, and it is important for you to understand the relationship between the quote and the services you may be purchasing.

Critical Illness Insurance

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Health Insurance

If you manage a small business you’ll dread the possibility of a member of your team being be taken seriously ill or dieing. Apart from the personal upset, your business would be hit hard. Sales or production could take a dive, key skills could be lost and the general pace of the business could fall. All this costs the business money.

Critical Illness Insurance is available to offset those financial risks, risks that can be especially serious for smaller businesses. After all in smaller businesses other employees can’t be moved across to fill the gap – there’s simply no one spare. So the problem remains until the person either returns to work or is replaced.

If the person is off sick with a serious illness such as a stroke or a heart attack you simply don’t know when, or if, they’ll return to work. It could be a month, six months even a year or more. Management is then caught in a cleft stick. Do you take on a temporary employee, contract out or recruit a permanent employee? Or are you forced to tread water and wait for matters resolve themselves? That’s risky. And how much will all this cost the business in terms of extra overheads, lost sales and profit?

Keyman Insurance has traditionally absorbed these very real financial risks but nine out of ten small businesses still don’t carry that insurance. It’s either because they haven’t addressed the problem or they’ve found Keyman Insurance to be too costly.

A Simon Briault, a spokesperson for the Federation of Small Businesses said, “In an ideal world, small firms would be insured against everything, but reality demands the businesses prioritise threats and occasionally take risks”.

But there is a cheaper alternative. It’s called Group Critical Illness Insurance. And it’s about half the price of normal Keyman Insurance!

With Group Critical Illness Insurance, the management decides which employees to insure and how much to insure them for. The business then pays the premiums and receives any lump sum payout. A claim can be made as soon as any of the insured employees are diagnosed with any critical illness which is scheduled within the Critical Illness Insurance policy. As you would expect heart attacks, strokes and cancer are the biggest three biggest reasons for a claim but the full list of insured critical illnesses is much longer. For example, kidney failure, meningitis, paralysis and even blindness.

The important point to realise is that to make a claim, the insured employee must survive at least 28 days after their critical illness is diagnosed. (Some insurance companies have now reduced this to 14 days so please check before you buy.) Therefore, if the employee were to die before the end of the survival period, any claim would be invalid. In that context, it’s not as comprehensive as full Keyman Insurance – but at around half the price of there has to be some compromise!

Simon Burgess, the MD of British Insurance says: “Group Critical Illness Insurance is a real alternative to full Keyman Insurance – and at around half the cost, it’s great value for money. If managers find Keyman Insurance too expensive there’s little excuse for not covering the biggest part of the risk with Group Critical Illness Insurance. Don’t pay the price for apathy”.


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Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.

Finding the Cheapest Health Insurance Quote

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Health Insurance

Finding the cheapest health insurance quote is one of the most important tasks for any consumer. You need to take care of certain factors before you compare quotes of different insurance providers. Let’s see how you can get the cheapest health insurance quote in the most comfortable manner.

Do a thorough research

Always gather sufficient information before investing in any quote for your Health Insurance Quote. A better understanding will help you pull the best possible quote. If you invest time today, you will surely get the benefit later.

Comparing different quotes

It’s not a tedious task to get quotes from leading insurers and compare them to get the best value. If you are looking at comparing insurance quotes of two companies, do not compare just on the basis of the rates. Instead, consider other related factors that contribute in giving you a package covering all your requirements. If you are comparing different health plans offered by two different service providers, always evaluate the given plans having almost same features in terms of benefits and coverage.

Compare quotes on web

The best and the easiest way to compare the quotes is an online comparison. You can find several websites offering online quotes comparison service. You just need to give your zip code as an input and you can access instant online health insurance quote. Do not fall prey to websites selling health insurance as they can supply false and misleading quotes information.

Don’t get lured by lower deductibles

No doubt getting a lower deductible seems like a profitable deal. But, avoid short-term benefits and think in terms of long run by choosing higher deductible. If you opt for a lower deductible, you’ll end up paying a higher premium..

Cheap Health Insurance Plan

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Health Insurance

Is there such a thing as cheap health insurance? It hardly seems possible when you look at the rise in hospital costs and physician services. Insurance companies have the task of underwriting the medical risk for insurance. The insurer then issues and delivers the policy to the insured once they are accepted into the plan. The policyholders then receive the policy declaration pages that list all of the benefits and features.

What are those benefits and features? How do they work after a hospital stay? When you begin to find the answers to those questions then you begin to understand what makes up the total premium. When you receive your first benefit statement after a hospital stay then you will begin to understand how the deductible is applied and how the coinsurance works.

Simple claims analysis

1. Total inpatient expense for 4 days in the hospital including physician services amounts to $4000.

2. Your policy has a $500 deductible with an 80/20 coinsurance clause with a maximum out of pocket $2000.

3. You must pay the first $500 for your stay leaving a balance of $3500.

4. You will pay 20% of that $3500 or $700 and the insurance company will pay $2800.

When your 20% reaches $2000 then the insurance company pays 100% of the remaining costs up to a million dollars (or 2 million etc).
The cheap health insurance buying trends indicate that people are purchasing cheap health insurance with higher deductibles. Deductibles bring down the premium dramatically. There are some plans with deductibles as high as $5000. This is called self-insuring because in essence that is what you are doing for the deductible amount.

Health Savings Accounts are also starting to become very popular. These savings accounts are tax deductible. They are like medical IRA’S. Contact your tax advisor or accountant for more details.

Please see our recommended source for cheap health insurance quotes. We have done the research so you don’t have to.


Cheap Medical Insurance

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Health Insurance

If you want to get a good deal on your cheap medical insurance, there are a couple of things you should consider doing. Some of them are optional and some of them are absolutely vital and cannot be passed by.

Cheap Medical InsuranceThe first is to shop around. You really cannot get a good deal on cheap medical insurance unless you are prepared to shop around and search the market. Finding out what is available on the market really is the only way you can know if any particular offer is good or not and whether or not you should accept it.

By getting to know what kind of offers are out there, you will know what you should be expecting to pay for what kind of benefits and are far less likely to get ripped off by making an uninformed decision on which cheap medical insurance to buy.

You should also consider speaking to an insurance broker. These will be able to advise you on the plans offered by a wide range of insurers and let you know what kind of offers are available. Therefore, they can save you a lot of the legwork of shopping around since they have access to an array of insurance companies. They will also have access to preferential rates and deals since they can bargain with companies and use their knowledge of the industry to get good deals. They can then pass these savings on to you in some form or another.

However, even if you are going through a broker, you cannot forgo shopping around and informing yourself properly of what is on the market. This is because you will not be sure if the offer the broker is giving you is any better than that of other brokers or even of prices you can find your self.

Shopping online is another good idea. The Internet gives you access to virtually all the insurers in the market. They are right there at your fingertips and can often give you instant quotes right there on the website. This means that you can do a lot of shopping around and get a good idea of what is on the market just be going on line and visiting their websites.

Medical insurance is a very important purchase for you and your family. It can determine the level of health care and service you will have access to in the case of an accident or serious illness and also represents a significant cost to you when you pay your premiums. Therefore you should always shop the market and make sure you are getting as good deal as possible before you commit to any policy for Cheap Medical Insurance..

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